Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Sales Promotion Technique
Laura Schneider says that marketing is everything that we do to reach and persuade prospects. Marketing consists of the measures we use to reach and persuade our prospects. All of marketing components will cost producers or manufacturers that in turn will influence the retail price of a product. To exploit a potentially lucrative market is not as easy as just opening a room, and playing music. Diligent marketing research will actually be crucial to the success of conducting personal selling. Careful consideration should be given to a number of different factors such as location, demographic detail, and existing competition of the prospective market place. This is done so to conduct marketing campaign effectively, which is a combination of advertising, personal sales, public relations, and sales promotions in a creative and cost-effective way to increase gross sales. 2. Sales Promotion Technique 2. 1. Web-based solution Basically, sales promotions are non-personal promotional activities that intend to have direct impact on sales of a product. Some activities that are in the sales promotion category include media and non-media marketing communication, increase consumers demand, and improve product availability. One of sales techniques that can help a company in maximizing its sales promotion efforts is the MediaVisor. The product is uniquely created to help salesperson of the company in executing and analyzing their interactive sales promotion programs much better (DoubleClick, 2006c). For example, figure 1 shows a company’s online sales promotion that aims at having direct impact to sales. Figure 1 Double Click’s Various Customers Solutions Source: www. oubleclick. com In order to simplify the sales promotion, MediaVisor can help Sprint Nextel in creating an easy-to-use interface, which is designed to reduce the number of clicks required to perform common actions. Therefore, the use of MediaVisor will significantly enhance the effectiveness of sales promotion process (DoubleClick, 2006c). 2. 2. Direct Mail O ne of the greatest marketing tools is direct mail, also known as database marketing. This kind of promotion is so effective since a company deliver information/offering directly to customers or prospects although it has one obvious drawback: high cost. According to one report, direct mail has a high â€Å"cost-per-thousand,†meaning it costs more to send message to a thousand people through direct mail than it does through television. However, this high cost-per-thousand can be offset by a much higher return rate. 2. 3. Personal Selling Another type of marketing tools is personal selling which is oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of making a sale. The personal selling may focus initially on developing a relationship with the potential buyer, but will always ultimately end with an attempt to closing the sale. There are several benefits of conducting personal selling as follows: ? Personal selling is a face-to-face activity; customers therefore obtain a relatively high degree of personal attention ? The sales message can be customized to meet the needs of the customer ? Personal selling is a good way of getting across large amounts of technical or other complex product information ? The face-to-face sales meeting gives the sales force chance to demonstrate the product ? Frequent meetings between sales force and customer provide an opportunity to build good long-term relationships The main disadvantage of personal selling is the cost of employing a sales force and other utilities such as building rental. In addition to the basic pay package, a business needs to provide incentives to achieve sales such as commission and bonus arrangements and the equipment to make sales calls including car, travel and subsistence costs, mobile phone etc. Moreover, conducting personal selling has one limitation: personal selling is not a cost-effective way of reaching a large audience since a sales person can only call on one customer at a time. 2. 4. Cash Rebates/Cash back Selecting one or more target markets then developing a marketing mix (product, price, promotion & distribution) that satisfies the needs of the target market. One of the strategies is to give cash rebates/ cash back as incentives for target market to keep visiting stores By definition, cash back Program is an incentive program that rewards customers for repeatedly shopping at stores. Hence, it generates more revenue from particular selling points. For example, if a company wants to increase the number of sales from online stores, they may present additional discount for customers who purchase online.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Bak Funeral Home Case Study Analysis
The funeral industry has changed very much. It has less similarity as in traditional way of funeral in 1975. There have been incredible alterations over the past few decades due to Federal Trade Commission (FTC). FTC has mandated alterations in the funeral service pricing, alterations in consumer preferences, and consolidation of funeral service providers. In 1984, FTC wanted funeral homes to offer customers with a general price list that disintegrates the prices of each component of the funeral.For instance, instead of charging one price of $9000 for all merchandise and services for funeral purposes, the funeral home must divide the charges into components, for example, $3450 for casket, $540 for embalming, $185 for cosmetology, hairdressing and placement in casket, etc. In addition, the FTC has declared that funeral homes may not require customers to buy a lot of items, in particular caskets or burial vaults from the funeral homes.Customers may buy either or both the components fro m a dealer apart from the funeral director and have the casket transported to the funeral home and the vault transported to the cemetery. Nowadays, there are several non funeral home dealers of these components. Customers can go online to buy caskets and vaults from the Funeral Depot or the American Casket Store with next-day delivery assured. A number of religious orders manufacture caskets that they market through â€Å"funeral resource centers†positioned in big cities. Moreover, the preferences of the customers have altered dramatically.About 30 years ago, nearly 93 percent of the families prefer to go for traditional funeral followed by earth burial. Today, the percentage of burials has declined by 71 percent, whilst the percentage of cremation has increased to 29 percent on national level (Ruhl and Wilson, 2008. p. 482, 484). The funeral industry has advanced from a comparatively plain local business that was in large portion unfettered into a contemporary industry cont rolled by multi mortuary business corporations struggling for economies of scale.2 a) Sabina need to calculate the depreciation of the rental property in order to buy the Bak Funeral Home. There is a need to check all tax issues methodically with a tax accounting professional, however the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in general allows devaluing the value of the construction on the property over a period of 27 and half years. This is the rational treatment of the fact that structures do wear out eventually, or become out of date owing to their older qualities no longer in demand. So, Bak Funeral Home has been generating some positive cash flow per year.However, now some of that income can be offset for taxes. The building is depreciated by cutting out the value of the land and dividing the building value by 25 years for annual depreciation (25 years because the building was constructed in 1980 and the valuation is being done in 2005). The depreciation calculation looks like this: 1 . Purchase price – Land Value = Building Value. 2. Building Value / 25 = Annual allowable depreciation deduction (Kimmons, n. d. ). The Bak Funeral Home has a depreciation value.Thus, it would not be feasible for Sabina to buy back the Funeral Home and ask her mother, Joan to rent her the existing building for $2000 per month. Individuals invest in property not only for the income prospective it presents, but also for the tax benefits that accompany owning and renting out assets. Possessing property and renting it out is a business. One can take in revenue (rent) and incur costs similar to any other business. The greater part of operating expense deductions comes from money that one has expended on the property.There are deductions permitted for mortgage interest and property taxes, in addition to deductions for insurance, maintenance, and mending on the buildings. One expense that requires no expenditure of money is reduction on the property. This is an accounting deduction that is permitted and is based on the general wear and tear on the building. If Sabina can show a loss on her rental property, where her expenditures exceed her income, she might be able to remove the loss on her tax return. The only way that she can deduct the loss is to be an active member in the supervision of the property.She can hire a property manager to carry out the day-to-day tasks, but she needs to be aggressively participating in appreciating terms of contracts, interviewing probable tenants, and approving expenses that go toward upholding the building (Tax Tips: All about Rental Property Tax Breaks, n. d. ). Hence, Joan (her mother) would agree to this arrangement. 2 b) Joan requires 11 percent cash flow return on her investment in the building. The market value of the building is $1800, 000. Sabina would not need to pay state and federal income taxes because the company would be operating at a loss.As the net income is declining year after year, that is why; Sabina shou ld not purchase Bak Funeral Home and operate it at its present location. 2 c) Now we need to check whether it is feasible for Sabina to purchase Bak Funeral Home business and operate it in nearby location. Sabina would be finding an investor who would be willing to purchase and build a new funeral home away from Regional Airport where land values are lower. At least ten residential lots will be required for car parking. Each lot is sold at $30,000.Building costs would be $900,000 and real estate cost $25000. Here also, the assumptions are made. Sabina would not need to pay state and federal income taxes because the company would be operating at a loss. It would be feasible for Sabina to buy back the Bak Funeral Home and operate it in nearby location as the values of the land seem to be lower. 2 d) Firms whose level of performance is below parity, or that finds it more and more difficult to flourish in the new economic world order, seeks and implements techniques to enhance performan ce and augment shareholder wealth.For those managers who are critically considering whether a merger or a consolidation would be feasible option for their firms, understanding the rules and methods governing these events will facilitate them to make their choice. Thus, given the current situation Sabina should approach Modelski Funeral Home and suggest that she merge the Bak Funeral Home Business into Modelski location. If the two businesses are combined, then both the business would be able to prosper and as the stake is 50-50, then it would not be any problem for the companies if they even incur losses.They will be able to compensate and they would also had a larger portion of market share in the industry. 2 e) In this case, Sabina should buy the Bak Funeral Home Business at the price which her mother, Joan is offering and would definitely merge with Modelski business. As she would be able to purchase the business at an interest free rate over a period of five years, thus it would be viable for her to buy the business. 2 f) Reputation indeed does work in case of Sabina as she has been managing her father’s business for few years. She herself is a brand as people are aware of her name and fame being a funeral director.However, if she goes by profit making motive, then it would not work in the long run. She should buy her Bak Funeral Home at the interest free rate which her mother is offering. 2 g) The price is based on the firm’s ability to generate a stream of profit or cash flow. The seller projects this stream of cash more than 5 or more years to compute the worth of the business. Often, discounted future earnings are applied which takes into consideration the time value of money – cash obtained in year 5 is discounted based on probable interest rates.In this process disagreements can crop up regarding estimation of cash flow and predictable sales projections. A lot of cash flow and EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes and amortizati on) protuberances employ â€Å"recast†numbers to reproduce the outcome on profits of perquisites that a business proprietor takes from the business (How to sell a small business, n. d. ). Thus, it would not be feasible for Sabina to get out of the funeral business and let her mother to sell the business at a price which is five times the cash flow of the company.3) In spite of of the prevention methods employed, probable threats that could arise inside or outside the organization which needs to be evaluated. Even though the exact nature of probable disasters or their resultant effects are hard to determine, it is advantageous to perform a complete risk assessment of all threats that can sensibly occur to the organization. Despite the type of threat, the objectives of business recovery planning are to guarantee the safety of consumers, staff and other personnel during and following a catastrophe (Wold and Shriver, n. d. ).
Monday, July 29, 2019
A Study On Child Labour Today English Language Essay
A Study On Child Labour Today English Language Essay The purpose of this research paper is to study situations of children working in conditions which are detrimental to their physical and mental health. It has been observed that they are employed to do the job of a peasant, miner, collier and in places which abound in chemicals, pesticides and dangerous machinery. Others are hired to do exhausting domestic work as domestic servants or the work done behind the walls of auto work shops where they remain invisible from the eyes of observers. To affirm the views and ideas about child labor I have used primary and secondary recourses long with some counter arguments. So the surveys are the primary sources where as the secondary sources are the websites and books. Besides, did research findings like making charts to determine the results after doing the surveys. Where in the conclusion I wrote some ways to decrease child labor and wrote recommendation. Section 1- Introduction: Child labor is arise in the 18th century of industrial revoluti on where young children were working in companies for long hours with less fee (Shahrokhi, 1996, no page). For instant, in England and Scotland there were about 60% children working in factories for making textiles (Pakhare, 2007, no page). Child labor has become a pervasive issue which is being discussed extensively in different international forums since the awakening of human right organizations around the world. With the help of some concrete steps taken by the developed nations, the issue has been countered to a considerable extent in the developed countries but it is still extremely intimidating in the under-developed countries. The term Child Labor does not have one concrete definition. Different people and organizations define it differently. â€Å"UNICEF defines child labor as work that exceeds a minimum number of hours, depending on the age of child and on the type of work. Such work is considered harmful to child and should therefore be eliminated. Ages 5-11 : At least one hour of economic work or 28 hours of domestic work per week. Ages 12-14 : At least 14 hours of economic work or 28 hours of domestic work per week. Ages 15-17 : At least 43 hours of economic or domestic work per week†(UNICEF Child Labour, 2008, no page). As per the UNICEF estimate over 158 million children around the age 5-14 are some way or the other occupied in child labor. Among them, millions are working in conditions which are detrimental to their health. They are employed to do the job of a miner, collier and in places which abound in chemicals, pesticides and dangerous machinery. Others are hired to do exhausting domestic work as domestic servants or the work done behind the walls of auto work shops where they remain invisible from the eyes of observers (UNICEF Child Labour, 2008, no page). Child Labor is a serious nuisance and has extremely negative effects on children. Children engaged in child labor suffer from physical deformation as well as psychologica l abnormalities; besides, it promotes crime rate and anti-love sentiments in our society and it also becomes a reason of an ever increasing number of illiterate people. Therefore, it is very important to fight child labor with tooth and nail to ensure the physical, psychological and mental health of our society. The audiences are the universal public so the aim of this paper is to influence them about child labor. Consequently, the research paper consist of five sections and each section has a valuable information and a results that will help the readers to realize what does child labor do to children. Section one will be about what is child labor and history of child labor. In section two there will be counter arguments that discuss about the negative and positive opinion of different people with my opinion about child labor. Then the third section is research method where I had used a primary source which is the survey to help me to get supported evidence. Besides the forth sectio n is linked with section 3 where it shows the result findings o the surveys. The last section is the conclusion and the recommendation that will give a summary of the research and suggestions for child labor.
Income Protection Insurance Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Income Protection Insurance Assessment - Essay Example Adverse selection is often referred to as hidden information problem in the market, where for instance, sellers may know more about a product than a customer. In the case of Mr. Farid and Prudent Insurance, Mr. Farid faced different probabilities of his insurable event occurring, some at least under his control. Prudent Insurance, therefore, assumed Farid was either a low risk or high risk of the insured event happening. However, it could not individually classify Mr.Farid. Therefore when he fell sick, Prudent Insurance ascertained truth by sending him a claims form. This was in an attempt to solve the problem of adverse selection. I would not approve Mr.Farid’s claim for insurance for income protection. Mr. Farid had a heart valve disorder and this had the potential to present problems in future. It is an element of risk that I could not afford to look as an underwriter. By accepting his application claim, it means Mr.Farid had the motive of using this policy to claim for healthcare expenses. In other words, there was an element of moral hazard. Prudent Insurance should deny the claim. The reason Mr. Farid could not work a year after taking cover was that of his state of poor health. This was due to the heart valve disorder. This disorder was not covered in the policy given to Mr. Farid and thus, he could not claim. Also, the claims form indicates Mr. Farid spent less than an hour on the activities of lifting and carrying heavy items. These two had the biggest risk compared to driving and climbing ladders. Information about Mr.Green’s earlier convictions are important in determining the underwriting decision in that, if it is a restriction by the company, then Mr. Green did not act in good faith to inform the insurance of his past criminal activities. Though he was asked in the application form, he claims to have stated it orally to the broker, a fact the broker denies.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Managing Exchange Rate Risk Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words
Managing Exchange Rate Risk - Research Paper Example The article focusses on different types of currency markets. Thereafter it moves to analyze the determining factors of the impact of foreign exchange rate fluctuations. Next, the article concentrates on analyzing the different type of foreign exchange rate risks and their impact on firms as well as the economy. The paper also provides some remedial measures or risk neutralizing strategies (popularised as hedging). The article provides a brief description of UAE dirham and the consequences it has faced so far due to this fixation with USD. After having some words on the current volatility of foreign exchange in recent times the article provides a note of caution on the future transaction and a conclusion. This is the era of globalization. Trade is now considered as the engine of growth and the massive increase in global trade volume is a true mark of that. The neo liberals portrays trade as a blessing, but international trade has its own share of evils as well. International trade generally exposes a country to outside risks. This risk comes in terms of demand and supplies side shock as well as the movement of the exchange rate. Exchange rate movement becomes important as international trade transactions involves two different types of currency at a time. Without a one-to-one parity, their numerical relation is bound to change over time depending upon the economic condition, the politial and social unrest and the exposure to other kinds of risks such as terrorist attacks. Standing at this position, exchange rate risk management is a very important decision making action on behalf of every firm and economy. Through this, a firm decides its level of currency exposure. Exchange rate risk stands for the unexpected change in exchange rate affecting the value of the firm. It has been found that exchange rate fluctuations impose both direct and indirect loss in the firm’s cash flows, assets and liabilities; net profits and these entire combine in course of time, affecting the stock price of the firm. Previously, it was mostly the MNCs who were exposed to exchange rate fluctuation risk, but as the world moved towards the path of globalization even the indigenous firms started to feel the heat of such risks. MNCs are the main participants in the currency market and they are not left with many choices because of the nature of their international transactions. On the other hand, the economy itself consisting several firms gets exposed to a greater risk of exchange rate fluctuations as for the economy (all the firms it contains), the risk of the firms get cumulated and stand for the risk faced by the economy.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Assessment of parental satisfaction with dental treatment under Thesis
Assessment of parental satisfaction with dental treatment under general anesthesia - Thesis Example Waiting lists for such treatment are long, with average wait times of at least a year after the initial diagnosis. In addition, for parents with limited income, out-of-hospital care under general anaesthesia often was not an option. Many dentists are reluctant to treat patients on social assistance, because of low provincial reimbursement rates which barely cover their costs. It is recognized that there is a decline in access to hospital based general anaesthesia and operating rooms for paediatric dental patients. In September 2005, the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry opened a new facility, the Paediatric Dentistry Dental Anaesthesia Surgicentre, to address the growing need to provide dental treatment under general anaesthesia in the paediatric population. The goal of the Surgicentre is to provide quality patient care in a timely manner to this underserviced/marginalized population. The expansion of the program serves the dual goals of reaching out to the community while enhancing the students educational experience, reflecting objectives that are central to the Universitys academic plan. The reported criteria for providing dental care under general anaesthesia are rampant caries in children less than five years of age or inability to cooperate when treated under local anaesthesia for five to eight-year-olds (Alcaino et al, 2000). Jamjoom et al. (2001) reported dental caries as being the most common reason for referral for general anaesthesia in patients under sixteen years of age, with the majority of children being under the age of six years. The experience of oral pain can have a considerable impact on the development of a childs growing dental fear and anxiety. However, dental fear can be learned from parents and friends, or can be the result of negative medical experiences unrelated to dental care (Berggren et al., 1997; Klingberg et al., 1995). Dental fear in children may also manifest as clinical
Friday, July 26, 2019
Bachalor of Commerce, Knowledge and Organisational Learning Essay
Bachalor of Commerce, Knowledge and Organisational Learning - Essay Example Knowledge management has recently emerged to be a successful management strategy that can help organizations manage the available human capital in the business (Noe and Hollenbeck, 2004, p. 1-3). People in the organization are most valuable assets and therefore recruiting and retaining knowledgeable, skilled, experienced and productive people have become highest priority of modern human resources management. This piece of research paper described knowledge management, as an HRM interdisciplinary and examines how it becomes relevant in today’s business landscape. This paper presents various elements that are relevant in the knowledge management process and examines various strategic perspectives as well as suitable technologies for fostering knowledge management in the business. Knowledge Management As Noe (2002, p. 168) noted, knowledge management is a management process that the performance of a business can be enhanced by designing, implementing and strategically aligning va rious tools, processes, systems, structure and cultures with a view to create and share knowledge among its people and to use for overall business purpose. The very basic three elements included in Knowledge management are 1) creation of the knowledge through some effective strategies, 2) sharing of the created knowledge among people and 3) making it available and useful for any business purpose. Knowledge Management has been found to be useful for the organization as it helps it get the products to the target market quicker, develop innovative ideas, serve the customer well in order to maintain customer loyalty and retention and achieve sustainable competitive advantages. As Boxall and Macky (2009, p. 10) emphasized, knowledge management helps a business achieve high performance working through various strategic processes and organizational development programs. Knowledge Management has emerged to be a management tool that focuses on data, information and knowledge among the employ ees in an organization (Awad and Ghaziri, 2007, p. 26) and encompasses the processes by which experience, skills, expertise, knowledge and abilities are gathered, then shared among the people and utilized so that these can be converted to collective organizational learning process (Foster, 2005, p. 397). Knowledge Management Models Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Knowledge management talks about creating, storing, sharing and utilizing data, information and knowledge either throughout papers, documents and database, or throughout the minds of people. This is a classification of knowledge based on where data and information are stored. When it comes to the management aspects, pure data and pure information have relatively less impact for a manager whereas structured data and information are relatively highly useful and effective measures that can be used to analyze and find solutions to issues (Noe, , 2002, p. 170). Based in the above classification, knowledge management is systematic p rocess and strategic approach for obtaining and making use of knowledge in the business throughout papers or documents or computers as commonly referred as explicit knowledge or sharing and making use of the knowledge throughout the people’s minds as commonly termed as tacit knowledge. To be more specific, KM is managing either explicit knowledge, or tacit knowledge or both together effectively. In managing
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Basic Rules of Offer, Acceptance, and Invitation to Treat Assignment
Basic Rules of Offer, Acceptance, and Invitation to Treat - Assignment Example Owing to a massive order from the British School of Motoring, Vauxhall Motors had exhausted its supply of Vectras. Nevertheless, the Sales Manager e-mailed Peter on October 8th in the following terms: "I am delighted to accept your order. You can collect your Vectra, as specified, in the week commencing November 6th. Please go to your nearest Vauxhall showroom. Is this arrangement acceptable to you?†Peter immediately posted a letter to the Sales Manager which stated: â€Å"Great. I look forward to taking delivery in the very near future†. However, later that afternoon, Peter decided that he must have a new car immediately. He, therefore, telephoned the Sales Manager in order to cancel his order. The Sales Manager had already gone home so Peter left a recorded message on an answering machine which the Manager listened to the following morning. By this time Peter’s acceptance letter had arrived but remained unopened on the Sales Manager’s desk.The question t o be decided in the light of the facts of the case and the principles of contract law is that Is there a binding agreement between the two parties? This question pertains to the basic tenets of the contract law i.e. Offer, Acceptance and the acceptance of the offer, revocation of the offer and the modes of acceptance etc. In simple terms â€Å"An agreement enforceable by law is a contract†and â€Å"Every promise and every set of promises forming the consideration for each other is an agreement†In an agreement there is promise from both the sides and if we talk about ‘Promise’, it can be defined as â€Å"When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal, when accepted, becomes a promise†Thus when there is a proposal from one side and the acceptance of that proposal by the other side, it results in a promise. This promise from the two parties to one another is known as an agre ement. Also, all agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object and are not hereby expressly declared to be void.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Examining Insurance Policies Part 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Examining Insurance Policies Part 3 - Essay Example Airport premises liability coverage is an additional coverage to an aircraft liability insurance policy that covers for bodily injury or property damage that results from the use of airport premises for both the parking and storage of the aircraft. This basically implies that the policy coverage will apply only to your premises (Prather 17). This policy will include any if not all of the following coverage; personal injury, premises and operations liability insurance, contractual and premises medical payment insurance. However, the good thing about this policy is that the policy may be tailored to meet the particular requirements of the insured. Hull and liability coverage will mainly cover the aircraft with all its components which include the engine, the propeller and all the other systems and the permanently attached equipment to the aircraft in addition to the avionics (viation Cases 1945). Under the aircraft liability coverage, claims from risks that ay result to property damage and bodily injury or death by members of the public and passengers. Some of the endorsements that I would recommend is the CGL policy coverage which can be provided to premises liability, products and completed operations. Other additional coverage that will be covered against include personal injury liability, liability incurred in advertising the host liquor liability in addition to hanger keepers coverage in the case of FBO operations (Prather 21). This coverage I believe would suit you best as you have other services like the class room instructions while also conducting aerial tours in his aerial photography side job. Some of the exclusions you should look out for include the ground hanger keepers’ legal liability which will come into play especially when you hire out the aircraft. The cover will provide for liability of damage to the property when the damage occurs as a result of negligence when the property is under the control
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
GenerationY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
GenerationY - Essay Example One of the ways of showing this is by talking freely. However, the talk is limited to telling jokes. In as much as it portrays the sense of showing composition, it may be intimidating to some interviewers. Some interviews see it as one being arrogant and out of context. In order to avoid this, the individual should stick to the business of the day and answer according to the questions asked (Meagan & Larry, 2010). Another behavior to avoid is speaking too much about the previous place that the person worked. Questions may come relating to the previous work places that the individual worked. The interviewee in the process may over emphasize the success he had in his previous contract. When the interviewee talks a lot about the experience and the success, the interviewer may conclude that the interviewee is not over the previous work place. In addition to this, it may show that he is expecting similar treatment that he received from his previous job. This may not be a good move especially when the previous job was from a better firm as compared to the one he is applying for presently (Meagan & Larry, 2010). Generation Y individuals should avoid making promises during the interview concerning the amount of work that they are willing to do. These kinds of statements portray the act of being over confident in the job. Over confidence in the job may results to poor performance ultimately. They may also appear as if he is judging those working currently at those positions as being lazy and unproductive. In addition, these statements may also sound insulting to the firm, as the whole administration will be in question about how well they ensure that their workers do their job correctly (Meagan & Larry, 2010). In the event that the interviewer poses attack on the interviewee, the interviewee should desist from getting very defensive in the process. Most of Generation Y individuals did not face a lot of confrontation during their earlier years.
A California Thanksgiving Essay Example for Free
A California Thanksgiving Essay In November 2012, my dad and I traveled to San Francisco for the Thanksgiving holiday. We had already done both of our family Thanksgivings, so it was the perfect opportunity to get away. Even without many plans, we were able to take a drive down the coast to Monterey, explore San Francisco, and see the beautiful college town of Palo Alto, all at our own pace. Our trip started with a morning flight from Little Rock to Dallas. After a two-hour layover, we departed Dallas for San Francisco and arrived around 8:00 pm. A full day of flying, navigating airports, and finding a rental car wore us out. We didn’t even get a proper dinner the first night before we went to bed. The next morning, we decided to drive down the coast on Highway 1, the Pacific Coast Highway, to Monterey. It was an amazing drive! I was surprised that California was so beautiful. Towering redwood trees lined much of the drive, along with farms for almost any fruit or vegetable I could imagine. When we could finally see the coastline, it was breathtaking. We passed through a few small coastal towns and saw countless fresh produce stands on the side of the highway. We stopped for lunch at a Thai restaurant in Moss Landing, CA. The food was amazing, and we could see the ocean from our table! The day was already a success in my book. When we arrived in Monterey, we drove down to Cannery Row and parked the car. We strolled around all of the different shops for a couple of hours, and then we headed even farther down the coast. We stopped at a parking area that overlooked quite possibly the most scenic place I had ever seen. There were huge waves crashing on giant boulders in the ocean. We just sat there and watched the waves crash for at least an hour. The salty smell of the ocean, the noise of various birds, and the sound of the waves just overloaded your senses in the best possible way. We headed back to our hotel in Palo Alto. See more: Mark Twains Humorous Satire in Running for Governor Essay Before we made it back, I spotted my favorite fast food restaurant, In-N-Out Burger and to my dad’s dismay, that was dinner. We crashed not long after making it to the hotel; we were exhausted after driving and exploring all day. The next morning, we woke up refreshed and ready to explore some more. We headed into San Francisco early. I was surprised that there wasn’t very much traffic; I guess we were after the morning rush hour. The drive north was almost as pretty as the drive down the coast. California should be â€Å"The Natural State†, not Arkansas! Once we made it into the city, we had to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. As we emerged from Golden Gate Park, the goliath appeared before us. We just crossed it both ways, but I was in awe of how big the bridge actually was. I had never appreciated it until I saw it with my own eyes. When we came back into the city, we drove around to many of the different neighborhoods. San Francisco is incredibly diverse. We drove through â€Å"Little Japan†and â€Å"China Town†, and we parked in North Beach. North Beach is where an established population of people with Italian heritage lives and work, â€Å"Little Italy†in any other big city. We were craving some good Italian food, and we definitely found some. The restaurant didn’t have a name on their sign, but we risked it and stopped there to eat. It was authentic Italian food from scratch. They made their own noodles, sauces, bread, and dressings. The dish I had was the best Italian food I’d ever eaten. My dad felt the same way about his dish as well. After our delicious lunch, we decided to drive around the city a little while longer, and then head back to the hotel so we didn’t get stuck in rush hour traffic. Our final two days in California were spent in Palo Alto. My dad’s good friend from high school, Mark, lives there, so we met up with him at a local Mexican restaurant. We all caught up over margaritas and salsa, then we went to his house to help with Thanksgiving dinner preparations. I had never been to another family’s Thanksgiving dinner, but they welcomed us with open arms like we were part of their family anyways. Their family has a tradition of biking around Palo Alto after Thanksgiving dinner. I decided to go with them while my dad stayed back at the house with Mark. Palo Alto was very biker friendly. We rode around the Stanford University campus. It was the most beautiful college campus I had ever seen! We returned to the house after an approximately an hour. It was the best way to see the city! Our last day was spent packing, then heading to the airport for an afternoon flight home. We used our Thanksgiving break a little differently than most, but I wouldn’t have traded the experience for anything. I’ll always remember the drive down to Monterey, exploring San Francisco, and getting a local view of Palo Alto as one of the best Thanksgiving holidays.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Persuasive Speech Essay Example for Free
Persuasive Speech Essay Do you have a dog? Does anyone have a pit bull? Well I happy to say that I am a proud owner of 2 blue pits. Their names are Diamond and Jack, and I never been more in love with dog. They are just like my babies. At the end of the summer Diamond had her first litter. I was in awe’s because I was like I’m a grandmother now. They are more than a dog, they are family. II. Pit bulls are just like any other dog. It depends on how a pit bull or any other breed of dog is nurtured to determine the characteristics of the dog. Don’t get me wrong I have always been terrified of pit bulls because of all the negative press about pit bulls. I would always hear about a pit bull attacking someone or something. I would watch a show called â€Å"Good dogs gone bad.†I never heard anything positive. If wasn’t for my dad getting Jack 2 years ago I would still have a negative perspective. IV. My rival makes numerous definite opinions about pit bulls. Today I will address the myths about pit bulls and how loving and caring they are. Many rivals will often argue that pit bulls have the highest attacks on people than any other breed of dog. a. This is the biggest reason why there are so many people scared of pit bulls. You rarely read or hear about any other dog attacking someone. When you hear about a pit bull attacking someone the media feed off more about this because pit bulls are considered to be an aggressive dog. b. â€Å"Many people have a difficult time properly identifying a true Pit Bull, so added to the statistics are those dogs that have been misidentified. Considering these factors, the actual number of attacks attributable to American Pit Bull Terriers is considerably lower than represented,†according to the real pit bull. i. Do you think a 4 pound Pomeranian dog would hurt anybody? ii. Stated in the Dog Bite Law, â€Å"The most horrifying example of the lack of breed predictability is the October 2000 death of a 6-week-old baby, which was killed by her familys Pomeranian dog.†a. The American Temperament Test is a test that measures a dog strong avoidance, unprovoked aggression, and panic without recovery. â€Å"American Pit Bull Terriers passed the test at a rate of 85.3%,†according to They have the highest test scores, and they out beat the golden retriever â€Å"family dog†by 7.7%. iii. I identify the justice of my rival’s claim, but I disagree with my rival’s 100 percent about pit bulls having the highest attacks. c. Now you can see how my rival made a mistake because they didn’t evaluate and understood the facts as clearly as they should. My rivalry will argue that pit bulls can’t be loving and caring towards people. a. There are no facts about a pit bull being dangerous or even vicious because of their bloodline. You can’t portray a negative image about a pit bull base upon one incident. b. In the article Pitbulls: Vicious or Victims states, â€Å"Our dogs obviously have a bad name,†she says. But â€Å"they’re just like any other dog; it’s just them being in the wrong hands. †¦ What we think is crucial to changing the image is educating owners on how to be responsible pit bull owners.†Do you think pit bull can save someone life? †Pit bulls get a bad rap sometimes,†Sorrells said. â€Å"But it’s all in how you train them and raise them. He’s a very loving dog,†in the article Pet Pit Bull Drags Women to Safety. I identify my rival’s claim, but I disagree with the idea that pit bulls can’t be caring or loving toward people. c. You can see again how my rival made another error of portraying pit bulls base up on only one side of the factor. Conclusion I. I have addressed the myth about pit bulls and how loving and affectionate they are. II. To determine the characteristics of the dog it depends on how a pit bull or any other breed of dog is nurtured. Honestly there isn’t a difference between a pit bull and any other dog. III. The responsibility of positive or negative actions are in the training not the breed. IV. Blaming the breed is comical.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Concept Of Price War And Oligopoly Theories Economics Essay
Concept Of Price War And Oligopoly Theories Economics Essay Experts argue that the concept of price war is a fact of life in most industrialised countries, assess the arguments for and against such behaviour. Discuss the impact of this behaviour in any industry using different oligopoly theories. In this essay I will address the subject of price war in industrialised countries. From different angles I will to try to break down and analyse the idea that price war in industrialised countries is a fact of life. The basic and underlying concept of a price war is that two or more firms in an industry lower or change their own prices with the knowledge that in an oligopolistic environment the other firms in that industry will lower theirs too so they match up. This is due to the interdependency in their interaction with all the firms in that industry. Price fixing plays a major role in a price war. My method of assessing whether said statement is true or false is to weigh up the pros and cons. From there I can make an informed decision and will be able to explain it through outlined discussions and ideas, and by visual aids if necessary. By the end of my essay I will be able, also, to discuss, with help of oligopolistic theories, the effect that a price war has on any industry. A price war is the concept that refers to economic activity of high competitive rivalry between a few firms in a particular industry, with complex rounds of price reductions. If one firm reduces their prices or a single price of a good, then the other firms in that industry will do the same to match that price. In an industry, in which a state of oligopoly is apparent (i.e. only a few sellers operate), each firm is quite capable of producing enough of the industry total output, resulting in their ability to affect the market price. A real world example of this is in the coffee industry where there are three major producers; Starbucks, Cafe Nero and Costas Coffee. These three large providers of coffee produce such large percentages each of the coffee industry that if, say, Starbucks were to increase their supply, the price of an average coffee would decrease considerably. An increase in output for one of the coffee providers will result in the price to decrease for the other firms in the industry. To explain further, if Starbucks produces double its output, the price of coffee from Starbucks drops hugely. However, most people are not wholly loyal to a particular brand, so Costas Coffee and Cafe Nero drinkers will switch to the cheaper Starbucks. As a result, the price of Costas Coffee and Cafe Nero coffee drops too. These three major brands are part of a set of economic activities where each of their decisions on supple not only affects their MICRO ESSAY 2 ANTHONY STADDON 000457496 PAGE 3 own sales but also of the firms competing against them. Such strategic situations can involve competition or collusion. Collusion= all firms in an industry agree to cut back on production by a certain amount to increase both prices and profits. Competition= all firms in an industry try to increase production with the intent to undermine competitors and gain as many customers as can be attained. The outcomes of both collusion and competition can be massively different for consumers and producers. For example, collusion benefits producers most due to the fact that as long as they keep colluding, their profits will continue to increase. However, collusion has a negative effect on consumers because it results in higher prices and decreased output. Collusion, unfortunately, is uncommon and many industries are dominated by heavily competing firms. If such collusion actually happened then government intervention may be necessary to protect consumers. All these ideas of collusion and competition between firms in an industry are the major foundations and components of a price war. In the short term, consumers benefit very well from such activities, due to the chance of benefiting from lower prices. Also in the short run a negative impact can hit producers by the result of lower prices leading to reduced profit margins. In the long term, the major firms in any particular industry can gain from a price war with increased profits etc. Price wars do seem to happen in every industry in some shape or form. There is a fair amount of reason why that is. To start with there are competitors whom might wish to concentrate on a particular product and through this product try to gain market share by producing its alternate good at decreased prices. There is also penetration pricing where firms may offer/provide lower prices of new brands of a good or product into an already highly established market. Process optimization is also a cause in that firms may choose to reduce prices rather than output with the plan regulate and sustain the economy of scale. A big cause for price wars is predatory pricing (albeit illegal). This refers to when a firm may set the price extremely low, even too low, on a good, in order to ddestroy other firms completely in that industry. Finally and in some ways most importantly, especially in context with this essay title, is the cause oligopoly. Oligopoly is where all economic actions on prices and outputs for each firm in an industry are interdependent. Reactions to price changes and ultimately price wars can vary. The primary reaction to a price war price change or price reduction is consideration and caution. For example, has the competing firm decided whether it is doing a short term or a long-term price MICRO ESSAY 2 ANTHONY STADDON 000457496 PAGE 4 change? If its short term, a firms reaction should normally be ignoring the change. Otherwise, short-term changes can be interpreted as cataclysmic changes and lead to big price wars. However, for the long-term there is not just a singular reaction. A firm could maintain their price, split their product into a premium version and a basic. Or the most common highly anticipated reaction is reduce the price and keep in line with ones competitors. Now its quite easy to see why a price might be good and benefit certain people. We can see that producers and consumers can benefit from them in some way and at some point. But in the end there is also a negative impact of price wars. As previously stated two or more firms compete in an industry and in turn both reduce their prices. We see that one can benefit whether you are a producer or consumer due to lower prices but this is not always the case. When these firms compete and initiate a price war, it is normally understood that both firms lower value along with price. Ultimately the firms lose profit and the consumer loses value. In my conclusion, I believe that price wars in the short-run can improve profits and can allow consumers a small space of time to take advantage of lowered prices. But in the end they cause more trouble than they are worth. However they also seem unavoidable as nearly every single industry in an economy has an event of a price war at some point. In the supermarket industry, Sainsbury and Tesco compete in a price war. O2 and T-mobile do the same in the mobile industry. Starbucks and Cafe Nero show signs too. The list of price wars in different industries is long but clearly outlines that the statement the concept of a price war is a fact of life in industrialised countries is pretty much correct.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Personal Narrative - Lasting Love Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays
Personal Narrative - Lasting Love I had never made biscuits and gravy before. The blessings of having a good cook as a Mom were abundant, but alas, I never did learn the many techniques that wonder woman possessed. My repertoire included: peanut butter cookies, a deliciously heated can of Pork n Beans, and Rice Krispie treats that were always too crunchy. But, Joseph wanted biscuits and gravy, so that is what Joseph got. His sister told me the recipe over the phone. Joseph had called her up long distance and gruffly demanded that she rattle off the legendary gravy recipe that their mother used to serve. She did so, and I obediently jotted down every word. The directions seemed simple enough, and I felt confidant that Joseph would enjoy my gravy. So thoroughly, in fact, that he would be instantly taken back to the carefree days of his youth. I enthusiastically announced that he better prepare his stomach for a scrumptious, hot off the grill meal the following day. He laughed, and said that I couldn't even make a bowl of cereal right. I laughed too, remembering back to the time when I spaced out and poured orange juice over his shredded wheat. At the crack of dawn the next morning, I crawled out of bed, brushed my teeth, and drowsily drove to 101 Bayfield Court in my plaid boxers and Watsa Matta U? sweatshirt. The antique yet picturesque fifties neighborhood home welcomed my tired body once again. My second home I called it. The door was always open, and the air always chilly inside. The first thing I saw, like every morning, was a long clear air tube sprawled out on the white linoleum tiles, leading to where the kitchen table was around the corner. My heart filled with complete joy when I heard the tubes crisp crack as i... to return to him at once. I almost said something, but I couldn't. Grabbing the purse at my feet, I stood up, and walked out of the room. I still think of Rebecca and Joseph daily. I wonder how Joseph's heath is going, and I wonder if maybe he isn't even here anymore. I think about Rebecca, and hope Nancy knows that a cup of cranberry juice can always lure her back home. I remember the time Rebecca, in a moment of clarity, told me about how she met Joseph. It was on his weekend leave during WWII, and at a night bar in San Diego. I imagine a swinging forties band playing in the background, and Rebecca, young and beautiful, casually sipping a drink at a table. I can see Joseph, handsome in his navy uniform, approach Rebecca. I see them meet, dance, and fall in love all in one night. Vibrant with youthfulness, strong in stature, and a glow in both of their eyes.
Music Essay -- essays research papers
The beauty of music is found in every soul†were the words of my grandmother. She always managed to bring music into every aspect of her life; whether it was ordinary housework or religious functions, she was ready to sing at any time. Her music was not the only part of her life; she was also the mother of six children and the wife of a prominent farmer. Although her life was complicated and, at many times, unbearable, music was never forsaken; it was one of her treasures. Through her and her treasure I realized what life and death really are. Her perseverance through her problems and her patience with her children and grandchildren has always amazed me.      During elementary school, I remember a period of time when my grandmother stayed over our apartment. Although it was uncomfortable for a few weeks, I loved to hear her stories, especially the ones that were songs. It was fascinating because her songs would reflect her experiences, and goals in life; for example, one of her stories was about village women washing their clothes at the river in India. All through my childhood, I listened to her exciting stories, and, even confronted her with questions that made her laugh throughout the night. At that moment her laughter and smile were captured in my heart forever.      As I grew older, my relationship with my grandmother became less of a priority. Instead I began to forget about my family and became more concerned with fr...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Prisoners of War Essay -- War Hostage Violence Government Essays
Prisoners of War The United States angers terrorists and other foreigners on a daily basis, but we find it hard to understand why. Examples abound and most often relate to ignorant decisions on behalf of the government concerning the welfare of these foreigners. The situation on the island of Cuba at the Naval Station of Guantà ¡namo Bay has grown out of hand. Here, the U.S. holds the prisoners that it has captured as part of its war on terrorism in a camp. They hold ver 600 men there without contact with their home countries or families and without the legal consultation of a lawyer. President Bush classifies these prisoners as â€Å"enemy combatants†and the U.S. says that for this reason they can withhold their rights unlike a normal prisoner in the case of wars (Jost). During an election year such as the current one, cases such as these must be taken into consideration before electing or maintaining a leader that might choose to find ways to bend the rules on human rights. The detainees of Guantà ¡namo Bay have their rights as prisoners of war denied and the U.S. does not define them as such. Much evidence to suggest otherwise includes the type of enemies included in the detainees and the international laws suggested in the Geneva Conventions. The U.S. has done nothing illegal based upon the international laws that it has adopted. However, one rends to question whether the laws adopted or not adopted by the U.S. rightfully define the prisoners based upon what has been laid out by the founding fathers of America. We can hardly assume that they do. Before anyone can make judgments upon the rights of the detainees, it must first be decided upon what these men can and cannot be considered. The men held at Guantà ¡namo... ... to the Treatment of Prisoners of War.†Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 2002. On-line. Internet. 22 Feb. 2004. <>. "Geneva Convention."Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. 22 Feb. 2004 <>. "Guerrilla." Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. 22 Feb. 2004 <>. Jost, Kenneth. "Civil Liberties Debates." The CQ Researcher Online 13.37 (2003). 22 February 2004 <>. Martin, Peter W. â€Å"U.S. Constitution-Bill of Rights.†14 March. 1993: On-line. Internet. 22 Feb. 2004. <>. â€Å"Rumsfeld defends Guantanamo.†Tapei Times. 15 Feb. 2004, pg. 7.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Death and Afterlife Beliefs Essay
There remains no scientific evidence or facts which can prove the existence of the after life. Such concepts like reincarnation, salvation, and near-death experiences have been very controversial topics of debate over the years. However, different religions, philosophies and spiritual beliefs from different cultures amazingly provide very detailed and meticulous explanation about the concept of death and the afterlife. These explanations vary as their core of ideologies and philosophies vary as well. The Mesopotamian civilization has been known for its very rich culture and tradition. During the reign of the civilization, a lot of discoveries and inventions have been made which eventually led to some modern advancement as well. In addition to this, the Mesopotamian culture also had a very interesting view of death and eternal life. According to the ancient Mesopotamian belief, the world can be divided into three different layers: these are the heaven, the netherworld and the living world (Cornell University [CU] academic site, 2004). The divine beings or the gods and goddesses are believed to reside the heavens. This place is said to be exclusive for these holy beings. The netherworld on the other hand was believed to be the â€Å"imprisoning†place after death which is also described as the house of darkness and a place, where no one, to any further extent, can escape. According to Mesopotamian myths in relation to King Gilgamesh’s adventures and stories about Ishtar, the descent to the netherworld is really frightening but inevitable, and that in fact, even Gilgamesh himself went on his adventures in trying to escape this place. Lastly, the living world was described to be the world where all living beings reside and survive the days with their humane and worldly needs. Although this culture recognizes the existence of death and afterlife in the netherworld, Mesopotamians believed that a man can still escape the course of death and the dark netherworld by being righteous and trying to connect and have an intimate relationship with God. The Egyptian tradition and beliefs of death and the afterlife on the other hand, can also be considered one of the most culturally rich traditions in the world. Deaths of Egyptians are rather commemorated and venerated than mourned. They were more focused on the preservation of the body as a positive ritual in giving the dead a pleasant afterlife state. Ancient Egyptians would also design the tombs of the dead with scriptures, holy verses, poems, and beautiful sculptures of scenes of the afterlife in the hope that the spirit of the dead will be at a peace and be granted prosperity in the afterlife. The tomb of the dead is also packed with necessities that the owner might need or want to bring with him/her in the afterlife. The afterlife in Egyptian culture was described as a place where there are beautiful canals, dams, and farms where the yield of the fruit-bearing trees and crops is never-ending (Williams, 2008). Life in ancient Egypt in general has been blessed being resided along the banks of the Nile River where people always have sufficient resources. This somehow explains why Egyptians also looks forward to a blessed afterlife. They have been used to living life bountiful with resources that is why they would always hope to find the same bountiful afterlife like the life of the living. On the other hand, the culture of the Greeks and the Romans (Greco-Romans) was rather more personified and mythical. Concepts of death and afterlife were incorporated with very detailed descriptions of gods and goddesses. The life of ancient Greeks was always bounded and guided by these gods and goddesses who were believed to have the ability to talk and live with them. According to the ancient Greek mythology, as a person dies, his/her psyche or soul is being release through a puff or breath of wind (Metropolitan Museum of Art). Death in ancient Greek tradition also had very elaborate rituals that were divided into three parts: the prothesis, ekphora and the internment. During the prothesis, relatives and loved ones of the dead come and pay respect. And during the ekphora, the dead shall be brought to the cemetery through a procession which happens before dawn. And then finally, the deceased will come to its final rest through the internment. The concept of afterlife for the Greeks was clearly described through the stories of the Iliad and Odyssey which was able to write a very detailed account of the Greek mythology. Homer noted in the Odyssey the early description of the underworld where the dead people all go. The place was described as a place underneath the earth where Hades, the brother of Zeus and Poseidon reigns. A person who enters the underworld can never go back. However, there were also stories told about great people who were able to go to the underworld to talk to their deceased loved ones and were able to go back to the world of the living. But the success of these people required trickery and deception of the king of the underworld, Hades. Hercules was one of the great Greek characters, who was able to return from the underworld. But knowing that Hercules was half-immortal, it was also understandable that he could do such a thing. And because the life of the Greeks has been closely guided by several gods and goddesses, it was also believed that a person can possibly escape the deep and frightening walls of the underworld by having a close and intimate relationship with the gods. Through this, people to whom gods and goddesses are mostly pleased are sometimes brought to the heavens (Olympus) to live an immortal life with them. The most popular story about death and afterlife in Christianity is probably that of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Christians, it was taught that Christ died on the cross, then after three days he rose from the dead and eventually rose up to the heavens, body and soul. This story has been the inspiration for the spiritual lives of all Christians. The resurrection of Christ from the dead has been the greatest affirmation to Christians that there really is life after death. And from this story, a lot have already been told in Christian bible about the life after death. This concept has been argued by the apostle Paul to the disbelievers, he said: â€Å"Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in vain. †(1Corinthians 15. 12-14 qtd. in Houben). For Christian believers, every person has a soul (dualism) and that soul is what lives after the person dies. The soul can either rest in heaven or continuously suffer in hell depending on how s/he was able to live his/her life. These concepts of heaven and hell have been the guiding idea of the Christians to how they live their lives. According to teachings, one shall be accepted in heaven if s/he was able to follow the commandments of the Lord, and if s/he was able to be righteous in his life in accordance to the word of the Lord. On the other hand, one shall suffer the pains of hell if s/he did bad things in considerably most of his/her life and s/he chose to live against the will of the Lord and his teachings. Over the years, this has been the main teaching to Christians about heaven and hell. Christians would describe the heaven as the place where there are golden roads and castles. A place where there are bountiful trees and crops that never runs out of yield, and also, a place where there is no more suffering. The heaven was indeed taught as a paradise after death, where hell on the other hand was described as the complete contrary and was further depicted as the worse place one can ever be in. The burial and commemoration rights for the dead among Christians are also somewhat detailed. They would lament and pay respect to the dead for a couple of days, gathering the family, and offering flowers and prayers to the dead and to the family. During these gatherings, the dead is often remembered and prayed for. The prayers were believed to help the soul of the departed reach to the heavens easily. After the lamentation, the dead shall now be brought to its last venue where flowers and significant items to the dead are being buried with it into the grave. And the commemoration of the dead does not end there because Christians celebrate the life of the dead on the same day of their deaths every year which is called their death anniversary. Looking at these different perspectives about death and the afterlife, we can observe that there are several similarities and differences among the religions or spiritual beliefs discussed. The Mesopotamian, Greco-Roman and Christian cultures all believe in the concept of heaven or paradise and hell or underworld after death. This concept of a very beautiful and peaceful place after death has been evident in the teachings of the three cultures. All of them also taught that only righteous people can ascend to the heavens and be with the gods. The Mesopotamian and Greco-Roman cultures similarly described the underworld as the place where the dead inevitably go. These two cultures also described the underworld as place where people cannot escape anymore once they are there. While the Christians believed in the concept of hell as a frightful place where people who chose to be bad shall go after they die. The Egyptian culture also shared that similarity with that of the Christians and the Greco-Romans in terms of lamentation and burial rights. All these three cultures lament or commemorate the death of their loved ones in belief that this would please the dead. These cultures also practice very detailed burial rights in order to give the dead a peaceful cross over. There may be similarities in the practices of these religions or cultures; however their core beliefs are completely different from each other. Over the years, we have relied on spiritual and religious teachings to find hope and explanation if there really is life after we die. We as human beings have that natural urge to find out what can possibly happen to us after death, but even how different or similar religious teachings might explain death and afterlife; we must understand that the answer will always depend on what specific religious belief we stick to and what beliefs we have about life itself. These religions or spiritual beliefs may vary in explaining the concepts of death and afterlife, but these differences come from the differences they have with their ideologies.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
True Friend or Opportunist?
The most open time to steer advantage of your companion is when he is lost. As a booster, would you take advantage of his weakness and abuse it? In the play, the Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, a tone named mansionus Antagonist abuses the power of his takeoff rocket after(prenominal) his friends death. course inverse may be a everyegiant friend however, he bears his actions questionable. As a loyal friend, check up on opposite word plans to search for revenge with the table service from Octavos Caesar and stepped up to save Rome for Caesar.Antonym step into the drope right after the signification Caesar gets killed. He sees the conspirators with their swords and bloody hands. Antonym gets this given(p) thought of pretending to be on the same typeface as then. at a time hes all alone with Careers dead body, he speaks truthfully. On act 3, fit 1, he says, All pity choked with practise of fell deeds And Careers spirit, ranging for revenge His words shows how much hatred he has with the workforce and hints what he intends to do about the murder. On the other hand, Antonym just qualification not be the loyal friend he faces to be to the public.He mustve had his have got intentions. Mark Antonym stirs up the citizens to kill the assassins, quite of him, and he Is willing to kill his own nephew. Antonym Is not exactly who he appears to be when It came to giving up on his nephew, he did not hesitate. In the scene where Antonym, Octavos, and Lipids discusses over a list of their enemies of who must be killed, Antonym reveals his heartless side by saying, He shall not live. Look, with a spot I damn him. As a demonstrative person as he, this secret personality Is a surprise. These proofs commit him a ruthless opportunist.Mark Antonym may seem one way to the public, just now personally some of his actions show another. later the death of Caesar, Antonym quickly revealed his conceal side that showed him as either a fr iend or rival. From all of the garner evidence, about Antonym loyalty to Caesar, Antonym Is considered as an opportunist over a loyal friend because he showed that he was marking his sport on the throne, time lag for his chance to make a execute for It. Although Mark Antonym may seem a little selfish, he Is a pretty clever man. He can be seen as a loyal friend or ruthless opportunist.It all depends on your perspective. By Catherine-Cocoon just index not be the loyal friend he seems to be to the public. He mustve had his Mark Antonym stirs up the citizens to kill the assassins, rather of him, and he is willing to kill his own nephew. Antonym is not exactly who he appears to be when it damn him. As a demonstrative person as he, this hidden personality is a surprise. Antonyms loyalty to Caesar, Antonym is considered as an opportunist over a loyal friend chance to make a move for it.
“Amotivational Syndromeâ€Â
Jesse Love A motiveal Syndrome and cannabis do An on-going Debate November 30, 2008 The positive or negative ca employ of ganja enjoyment be a vernacular point of discussion among psychologists. One of the more(prenominal) communal debates surrounds A pauperizational Syndrome (i. e. the purported lack of motivating that results from marihuana single-valued function). The existence or non-existence of this syndrome has been discussed for over a century among some(prenominal) utilisers and non-users as well (Dun rat, 1987, p. 114).The dickens articles chosen for this essay attempt to check whether amotivational syndrome is a by-product of hemp use by applying two separate rules of analysis. By analyzing these articles it pull up stakes be clear that there is no decisive attest that suggests a direct correlation amid amotivational syndrome and marihuana use. In 1987, David F. Duncan sought to critique previous studies of hemp use that claimed amotivational synd rome was a prevalent phenomenon among precipitous ganja users.He aimed to challenge previous studies that assumed, in their conclusions, that users of marijuana sacrifice characteristics of introversion, passivity, and lack of achievement-orientation (Duncan, 1987, p. 114). In his introduction, Duncan introduced cross-cultural examples where marijuana use is actually used as a stimulation for instance in Jamaica, where he compares marijuana use to North American coffee consumption (Duncan, 1987, p. 115). Duncan concludes that yet by conducting a comparative workplace, i. . by pickings a sample of subjects who are twain users and non-users, could substantial evidence for marijuana-related antimotivational syndrome be de depotined (Duncan, 1987, p. 115). Duncan pointed to the flaws a training conducted by Halikas et al. In 1982. Halikas wanted to determine the spirit prevalence of amotivational syndrome in animation sentence users of marijuana. To do so, he posed a single question meant to cross the criterion of amotivational syndrome.The question encompassed elements such as provoke you ever had a period when you werent low-spirited or unhappy, but you just seemed to lose your motivation although you werent particularly up descend by that printing? (Duncan, 1987, p. 116). Duncan argued that Halikas et al. s study, in particular, was a failure because it failed to prolong a comparison between users and non-users. Therefore, Duncan used the homogeneous questionnaire and applied it to a series of high-achieving subjects to determine the relative frequency of amotivational syndrome within a larger population of both users and non-users.Duncan selected two hundred thirty-eight athletic students (some source Olympians) from a European university. All subjects were need to let the cat verboten of the bag English and came from various parts of the world. He began by requesting all subjects to look at out a questionnaire regarding old marijuana consumption. The subjects were subsequently divided into three groups 1) those who had neer used marijuana, 2) those who used marijuana daily for a thirty day period in their life and, 3) those who used marijuana but could not fill the requirements for group 2 (Duncan, 1987, p. 17). The results of this initial questionnaire indicated that 47. 7% had never used marijuana, 23. 8% were everyday/experimental users and 24. 1% had been daily users. These three groups also responded to the questionnaire borrowed from Halikas et al. It was determined that there was no significant variation in the frequency of amotivational syndrome among marijuana users (Duncan, 1987, p. 117). These results only serve to debunk the initial findings of Halikas et al. and other psychologists who had sustained similar methods of analysis.Indeed, Duncan made this explicit in the conclusion of his report. It is clear from Duncans work that a new methodology is required to determine whether amotivational syn drome is more prevalent among marijuana users. The limitations of this research are thus quite clear. Future studies will require both long and short-term analysis of both users and non-users. Also, a controlled definition of motivation will be required to determine what a lack thereof implies. To slay improvements ane would therefore need to hold back access, as Duncan had, to a large body of subjects. It would then e necessary to track these subjects, both users and non-users alike, over a sustained period of time to determine whether or not the likelihood of amotivational syndrome is more common among users or non-users, if there is in fact a dissimilarity at all. Duncan ultimately argued that he was still on the watch to relegate the antimotivational syndrome to the growing scrap heap of cast aside marijuana myths (Duncan, 1987, p. 118). In 2002, Cherek et al. conducted a very much more dynamic study of amotivational syndrome, following a result of the suggestions offer ed years earlier by Duncan.They offered a dark definition of amotivational syndrome as a set of characteristics including global apathyloss of productivitylethargy (and) depression among others (Cherek, course and Dougherty, 2002, p. 26). Despite these agreed upon attributes of amotivational syndrome, Cherek et al. also found it sticky to pinpoint the amotivational phenomenon. They recalled some of the studies referred to by Duncan that found a positive correlation between marijuana usage and amotivational syndrome.By recognizing that amotivational syndrome occurred among users and non-users alike, the researchers concluded that amotivational syndrome was ultimately a question of frequency. Cherek et al. also sought to arrive at a conclusive definition of motivation, both theoretically and methodologically. To cross this hurdle, Cherek et al. opted to follow a sortal approach in participation with a progressive ratio schedule (PR) and a fixed-time schedule (FT). In this way, t hey could define and measure motivation by measuring changes in PR responding across changes in support magnitude (Cherek et al. , 2002, p. 27).Monetary reward would be used as an running(a) reinforcement and information would be tooshied on subject answer rates. The first experiment involved five males who were occasional marijuana users. It was used to confirm the initial proposed operational definition of motivational behavior which meant that there was a direct ratio between the response time and the motivation (Cherek et al. , 2002, pp. 27-28). The results proved that their initial suppositions were correct and that the changes in response rate and ratios were consistent with the operational method established from the outset of the experiment (Cherek et al. 2002, p. 30). The following two experiments used a different subject base but retained the same reinforcer values. The researchers controlled the tetrahydrocannabinol supply, dividing it into three strains of potency. They argued that a decrease in PR response following crisp marijuana brass while the keeping the reinforcer at a constant level would indicate decreased levels of motivation (Cherek et al. , 2002, p. 30). The results of Experiment 2 Phase 1 indicated that acute marijuana consumption did alter behavior. However, the results were not dose dependent.Experiment 2 Phase 2 showed that the marijuana- generate decreases in responding can be mortify by increasing the reinforcer (Cherek et. al, 2002, p. 35). This meant that although it was clear that there were overt behavioral differences between marijuana induced subjects and the placebo subjects, these differences could be overcome by offering a motivational stimulus. The researchers concluded that acute marijuana users do exhibit some forms of amotivational behavior. This behavior could be usurped if there was an increase in the reinforcement.They pointed out that other studies had achieved results that disconfirmed this conclusion. However, those studies did not offer the availability of at least one alternative response for the subjects. 1 Cherek et al. suggested that one could construe their study as an indication that marijuana does induce amotivational behavior. Still, this is not entirely conclusive because the study solely examined the make of short-term acute marijuana use. Most of the controversy surrounding marijuana use generally questions whether long-term use, rather than short-term use, cause amotivational behavior. 2 The fact that only short-term marijuana use was studied here is its greatest limitation. It was also extra because of the small number of subjects and the environment in which they were tried and true (a small room). These articles are particularly interesting for me because I am an occasional marijuana user and have always been concerned about how I will be affected in the long-term. I persist to agree with various elements from both studies. I am convinced, like Duncan that ma ny myths concerning marijuana consumption have circulated for political reasons rather than because of empirical data.I also desire that amotivational syndrome is common among both users and non-users alike. Whether or not users are more disposed to this phenomenon is still up for debate. Cherek et al. s study was also intriguing because it demonstrated that amotivational syndrome (whether induced by marijuana or not) could be overcome by increasing the reinforcement. This makes a lot of wiz in my world-view, as quite often the individuals I have known will become incite only if they believe they will reap commonsense rewards. If the rewards are not worth the effort, amotivational syndrome may set it.These studies have demonstrated that there is still much more research to be conducted on the effects of marijuana consumption both in the short- term and the long-term. It appears as if there is more speculation regarding marijuana than there is empirical evidence. The topic of amo tivational syndrome is particularly difficult because of the tricky nature of defining motivation. This problem is deepen when conducting a controlled study because there is very puny motivation, nor may it be possible, for the participants to behave in a controlled environment as they would in the real world.References Cherek, hold out R. , Lane, Scott D. and Dougherty, Donald M (2002). Possible Antimotivational Effects Following Marijuana Smoking Under Laboratory Conditions. Experimental and clinical Psychopharmacology, 10(1), 26-38. Duncan, David F. (1987). Lifetime Prevalence of Antimotivational Syndrome Among Users and Non-Users of Hashish. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 1(2), 114-119. 1 Cherek et al. , 35. 2 Cherek et al. , 36.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Lord of the Flies as an Allegory Essay
The schoolmaster of the fly if necessitate at font tax raft be fascinate as ill-judged obtain astir(predicate) the difference to nurse away on a bedragglight-emitting diode island and its sensible and mental imp shams on its inhabitants. exactly when the contri unlessor looks involveder, they see a newfangled that is an fabrication that is alter with con gradientrably-heeled and flesh bug out symbolizationisation in some sleep to modelherly aspects of the sacred scripture. An entirely toldegory is outlined a dis antic case of composition that presents gazump ideas or clean principals in the clay of typic characters, events, or objects. The piece is an contract to tint the defects of fri obliterateship c entirely over version to the defects of forgiving temper (Golding 204). The new(a) begins as our star wanders on the beach.Ralph puddle fors lead, order, and elaboration for the island. He uses his fare for the severe of the heap, curiously to value the littluns. The littluns represent the people maintain by a government. In their case, the bigguns (the ripened boys), prepare over advantage of the teentsy boys and presently go bad them entirely.As the conch was blown A obscure crude business line boomed to a lower place the palms, revolve d one the intricacies of the plant and echoed pricker from the bump granite of the chaw (Golding 17). self-aggrandising attain a in good order sound, the conch withal possess the qualities of dominance, unity, and force. When the golf-club is formed, the boy who holds the conch is the lonesome(prenominal) one captureed to let the cat out of the bag. rascal number 1 instituted this when he utter Ill give the conch to the nigh soul to speak (Golding 33). As the accounting progresses, the conch slack ups its military unit and play over thechildren and is at last humbled when swinish is trampled by a boulder. This tag the end of either pop and civilize rescript on the island. porcine represents information and mortality. He acts with crusade corresponding a cock-a-hoop would in his situation. a kindred performing like a boot figure, boorish withal provides leadership in advance and afterward on the federation of folkss is rupture in half. only no amour else run intos that intimately the kindling. If somebody threw you a lot when you were drowning. If a restitute tell conduce this be slip if you enduret takeit youll spend- you would, wouldnt you? buttockst they understand? Without the dope sharpen well die hither? (Golding 139).The distinguish clear is a nonher(prenominal) symbol that changes to contemplate the larning(prenominal) loop of the children. The onslaught was instituted by Ralph and oafish as an essay to hang back fear in hopes of bear. The evoke brook be seen as a radio link to cultivation and as acculturation itself. When the discount d epose well at a public pace, the island is at peace. Weve got no prove. That thing unspoilt sits up t present well digest to preventative here (Golding 129). further when the bite is out, the boys seen to loose invade in nuance and run rancid to primitive, reprehensible beings, which cause problems for the soft island society. interrogatively the produce that brings virtually the boys rescue is non the foreshadow fire, but a woodwind instrument fire burst outed by fat cope to fight off Ralph out into the open. The fire hold allay fors ability and the leadership of the tribe, as it provides cacoethes and wake up for cooking. When fat genius gains the readiness to make fire, he seizes control of the tribe. boorishs spectacles allow for the population of all fire on the island. The glass symbolize information and give-and-take and their impacts on society. The provide also play a important reference in the point of the pandemonium that exit at last come after on the island. diddley smacked hoggishs head. gluttonouss glaze flew off and tinkled on the rocks. swinish cried out in disquietude My specs (Golding 71). The suspension of grosss glasses underside be considered the dispirit of the eventsthat provide cause the island to descend into complete and unavoidable chaos led by knaves anarchy. poop Merridew represents a hunger for great power and atrociousness corresponding to indigenous instincts. turd uses his power for enjoyment only, lento evolving into a thoroughgoing potentate by the quantify the tribe splits. in that respect isnt a tribe for you anyto a greater extent Im headway (Golding 181). jackfruit can non induce compromises in his authority and consistently takes power in, if not trustworthy for, the deaths of those who fence him in his cart track to power. jackfruit uses the wight as a marrow to play to a greater extent a good deal and later gain power.The brute is zipp er but the vicious and prime instincts imbedded deep inside all of us. Everyone on the island is panicked of it, season in public it is but does not exist. It appears that the more the boys act savagely, the more substantial the wildcat well becomes. currently the boys start to holiness the woman chaser and abdicate offerings to the tool. This head is for the beast. Its a devote (Golding 137).The victor of the locomote is the devote left hand for the beast. Its a spread over hairs head on a stick. The captain of the go is a physical locution of reprehensible who invokes the intragroup beast at heart us all. When Simon speaks to the lord of the flies, its reliable temperament is revealed. You knew, didnt you? Im subroutine of you (Golding 143). end-to-end the tommyrot Golding uses his characters, objects and events as symbols to get a deeper moment across. The book weaves a compel baloney of optimism against the darkest side of gentleman wretched. even up though the unfermented shows that evil in all(prenominal) soul exists, the radical gentle worth still appears to brave when all is verbalize and done. The cleric of the go is genuinely a unexampled holy with a pass on for everyone.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Effect Of Gangsterism Essay
2.0 yield of GangsterismGangsterisms is a loving phenomenon that occurs widely among the juvenility in our rural. With the rapid develop of this riddle, doughnutsterisms realise approximately(prenominal) contr overt t let on ensembleude on undivideds, families, and communities.2.1 several(prenominal)In condition of individual, t distributivelychild who involves themselves with campsterism testament verbalism mischievousness consequences in their heart including having a macabre forthcoming. Thus, their succeeding(a) capacity be menace delinquent(p) to the musical theme of their air. approximately probably they resolve be detained because nearhow they adequate to seduce dis nightspotly guess in their cont coiffes.This volition in any case fall upon their supportspan history as they un fitted(p) to practice their authorize in higher(prenominal) train and they efficacy expend their adolescentage historic period in insubstan tial give instruction or re clothement centre. On the contrary, those with a satiny succeeding(a) satisfactory to pass on their count dapple they had atrophy their remarkable sustenance in prison.They besides pull up s becharm tos interpret a dingy bear upon or model to the materialisationers. They hurt let on n one and that(a) the metrical unit shade of the elder ones in family and causing them to cost the scathe course as the elder ones.From The whiz online, pale Junaidi, a former law of natureman, state the regular army and police had fought the communists and saved the commonwealth from arduous risk in the sixties and in that locationfore, was confident that they could fall upon cliquesterism. In the past, we track subsequently communists in the jungles, entirely this instant the evil syndicatesters be thither they ar non hiding. I understructuret birth the pardon that because of bandsterism, we after partt impose th e law. So what else coterminusinous? be we to leave behind syndicatesters to pattern the coun stress because they argon mobsters? he pointed kayoed. (by Chan, Zora. February 5, 2012)In feature teenageagers who ordinarily smell the bulkying to do whatsoever(prenominal)thing b atomic number 18-ass, they would do some stinking things with let on thought process slightly the realistic kick in of their pull throughs in upcoming. Teenagers knobbed in loving causes them to be work ons into despite and ragtag. At this level of teen misss c atomic number 18 or unclutter goals in the future and non an ambitious. Although they were repented, they suave awkward to earn the institutionalise of the biotic conjunction and they go start be stigmatized.This makes it tricky for them to tolerate the coterminous conjecture go forth ignored by family members could non lodge their port causes them added disembodied spirit exigencys fluctuate.A mul titude offers bail department to its members to the unenlightened and uncertain, a cluster promoter security from racial torment and law en bear onment agencies. intimately articulation camps for fun, only argon curtly brush into a fell round of drinks of risky offensive employment and drugs. The flower tar starts for gangs atomic number 18 new immigrants who brisk with lecture and pagan differences from mainstream communities. dissolute young and dis cloaked teenagers whitethorn unification gangs and this instant or indirectly s besidesp alliance bearing.In communities where gang occupation dictates formula living, in that location ar truly hardly a(prenominal) signs of healthy, forward-looking life or instruction. guild increase projects argon unplowed on gibe as bills is allocated to assault gang warf atomic number 18. fair play enforcement agencies bundle on a subtle attitude when it tote ups to these communities. As a core, s traightforward families withal populate secondward, dim lives where on that point opportunities atomic number 18 hard curtailed by the howling(a) figurehead of gangs.2.2 FamilyIn the scope of family, pargonnts adopt to ask round the blighted handling as the result of their children behavior. al intimately probably, p atomic number 18nts talent be insulted or comme il faut the subject of detestation from mass in their surrounding. They big businessman be unredeemed for what their children had by means of with(p) and through former(a) batch eyeball they had to be responsible.Somehow, at that place atomic number 18 p atomic number 18nts who try so hard, in ordinance to accept their children back to the exponenty path. However, some children ar too recalcitrant and cut the advice of their mentionific p atomic number 18nts. In addition, p arnts need to fount with human organisms that their children be not second into a risk-free somebody and b ring out new(prenominal)wise from what they had expected.SBs kin with his get slew was set forth as tumultuous. His gang interest must(prenominal) grant been the evidence for some of their arguments, as it is wrap up that she systematically make her disfavour of his life-style k at a timen. She would propel him of the cause his life-style is having on her and hisyounger brothers, though he neglected her. Once, however, there was a requital beleaguer on his family inhabitancy after he fought with other mobster. The adjoin gang menace his beat with terminal and trashed his familys home. This accident was SBs beginning bring up of the touch-and-go consequences that universe a mobster could stupefy for ones family. As a gangster, his produces vox stayed in his head, discourage him roughly his lifestyle. My fusss section, yes Her enunciate was the only voice that yet out now helps. She was continuously there, charge when I went to jail. She w ould always talk, thus far scold, and put forward I am not put you out because you argon a gangster, it is because I do not break with what you do. (Daniels, Doria and Adams, Quinton. July 1, 2010 45-60)By the distri stille of themselves, their families gangster actors a same(p) get impact. The community leave behind regress trustfulness in the family, but the familys honor is scratched with teen action like menconteng arang ke muka. This whitethorn affect the future of other siblings and til now worsenedned if the affect family members who are emotionally and futile to finagle the draw from bon ton. This problem exit abide in the long term to be restored.Sub-economic areas, where gangsterism is the virtually prevailing and problematic, are rock-steady prep suit for would-be(prenominal) gangsters. In closely in locatings, twain parents are some(prenominal) dismissed or both(prenominal) are working, sledding their children unattended or with strangers. Gangs speedily tap much(prenominal) situations. In fact, they expound on it, offering youngsters a surrogate family setup which gives the youngsters a sense of belonging. In close to cases, offsprings are apply to entrust the annoyances such as murder, rape, etc deedively obscuring the leading from being identified. Often, the order to intrust a abuse is filtered thorugh the ranks of a gang. Thus, the soulfulness committing the abhorrence neer knows who gave the order. The police, therefore, are neer able to get exert of the leadership.2.3 purchase orderGangsterism of all levels and types ordinarily has a negative effect on society. Gangsterism in any case fundament bring d avow the dimension range of neighborhoods from the force-out and hooliganism gnarly with gangsterism life. wide-ranging bullion investorsmay incertain outside(a) from seats where they scent that their properties and resources leave behind not be utilise for business p reserve of gang crimes. Gangsterism layabout similarly hale up prices of local groceries and commodities via their daunting schemes that force businesses to right them sums of silver in deepen for protection.As for society, they forget feel insecure and lurk over this way out because they entangle that the surrounding is not the golosh plant anymore repayable to the knock-d take out-and-drag-out act of gangster. familiarity would radiation patternly reduce to get out of the house. This is because, they timid of been victims of terrorism. completely their passing(a) activities such as sports, recreation, and so on get out be reduced or be stop to visit safety. commonly when the most feared society were involved in the adjures amid gangster groups. Their fights go away usually result in in force(p) crack or tear d accept worse death.The behavior of gangster might endanger their life because at some point, gangster bum overturn out to be a killer a nd some of them likewise fight among each other to fork over their power. In addition, this strain of phenomenon alike diffuse widely in drill. Futhermore, it had come to the deliver where school obscure cannot be considered as a safe place anymore due to the gangsterism activities that take place in school area They likewise depart make the students be hunted to go to the school. Middleton-Moz and Zawadski (2002) palisade that our stimulate overleap of consciousness lots causes us to be both deafen and concealment to the fuss see by our res publicas youth and, as a result, our young peck too often let the prisoners of their tribulation and depression, visual perception brusque possibleness for channelize and no way. Therefore, it shew that our own lack of concern over what had happened make the point of gangsterism getting bruise until the victim of gangsterism are being roast physically and emotionally. company is no lengthy entangle quietude a nd uniformity in the verdant which they had resided. They cannot fall out freely as they are fearful of those gangsters and overturned about their safety. They will be a effect to the plurality or to the neighbourhood. edacious crime does not only when victimize individuals it impedes and, in original cases, even prevents the physical composition and aid of community. By disrupting the nice connectedness of ties, courtly and informal, by which we are link with our neighbours, crime atomises society and makes of its members unstained individual calculators, estimating their own advantage, oddly their own chances of option amidst their fellows.(James Q. Wilson (1975) persuasion to the highest degree Crime)In communities where gang activity dictates normal living, there are in truth a few(prenominal) signs of healthy, forward life or development. confederacy development projects are unplowed on hold as coin is allocated to invade gang warfare. constabulary enfo rcement agencies take on a cowl stance when it comes to these communities. As a result, exculpatory families too live backward, hopeless lives where there opportunities are severely curtailed by the scare nominal head of gangs.
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