Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Engaging Religions To Shape Worldviews Example
Essays on Engaging Religions To Shape Worldviews Article Engaging Religions to Shape Worldviews Religion remains an integral part and a critical aspect in the lives of many today; despite the fact, no all people are religious by nature. Contrary to common opinions that religion is important only for the religious, current trends have ideally changed such a perception as it currently plays a substantive role in the shaping of worldviews. Many have believed that religion only entail matters of personal, private belief and as such, never plays any significant role in either public life or in the contemporary world. Religion has a critical role it plays in creating sustainable cultures. Based on such an approach, it is evident that climate change remains a global challenge today. Different religious groups are currently in plans of addressing such challenges, through the formation of partnerships with concerned organizations such as United Nations, where religious groups work towards greening of activities aimed towards reducing aspects such a s climate change, deforestation, and water scarcity (Gardener 23). Previous studies have revealed an increased potential in faith communities becoming potentially influential as gateways to discussions pertaining to environmental protection (Gardener 24). Such a perspective is in addition to the aspect religious gathering becoming education forums for network building, cooperation towards initiating peace and engagements in the communities. The major drivers of environmental impact such as technology and populations have ideally increased elements of consumerism. Even though religion has not taken a strong stand on matters pertaining to consumerism, which contribute significantly to environmental degradation, religion has advocated simple living and such elements that have little impact on the environmental degradation (Gardener 26). Based on the aspects addressed above, it is clear that indeed religion has played a significant role in shaping worldviews, contrary to common opinion that religion only involves matters of personal, private belief and does not play a significant role in public life or the contemporary world.Work CitedGardener Gary. State of the World. Engaging Religions to Shaping Worldviews, Transforming Cultures: From Consumerism to Sustainability. The world Watch Institute, 2010.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Explore the Relationship Shown Towards Curley’s Wife by Crooks and Candy Free Essays
Explore the relationship shown towards Curley’s wife by Crooks and Candy. Section 4 In the extract given Crooks and Candy talk to Curley’s wife. In the extract we see Curley’s wife approach crooks and Candy and we see the relationship between them and how it explores how they have no respect for Curley’s wife. We will write a custom essay sample on Explore the Relationship Shown Towards Curley’s Wife by Crooks and Candy or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the extract crooks approaches and insults Curley’s wife, which is quite significant as he is a black man and in the 1930’s Many black people were not respected and treated badly so the fact he has the courage to stand up to Curley’s wife suggests that he loathes her and does not care whether he gets in troubles as he disrespects her and does not care about her, this suggests that the relationship between crooks and Curleys wife is that Crooks is not showing any respect to Curleys wife even though he is black and she is white which states that he doesn’t care about hierarchy if someone is disloyal to their husband. Candy also has a similar relationship with Curley’s wife as he also gets angry when she enters crooks’ room he says â€Å"if you were to do that we’d tell†this suggests that even though he does not get angry and even though he is a fragile old man he still believes that he can tell off Curley’s wife however he then backs down as he realises that a black man and an old fragile man cannot do anything against her so they both back down and we see the true nature of Curley’s wife as she gets angry. When Candy and Crooks start to retaliate against Curleys wife she becomes angry and authorative as she says to crooks â€Å"Listen nigger; you know what I can do to you if you open your trap†the fact Steinbeck uses words like nigger suggests she does not respect him at all and believes is not worth anything and she then refers to his mouth being a â€Å"trap†which suggests that she thinks that he is not supposed to be respected and his mouth is like a trap as it will get her trapped if he says anything but it can also be seen as a insult as it is so disgusting it traps anything so we see that there is no respect towards Crooks. However when she approaches Candy she is slightly more respectful as he is white and old so she cannot be mean but rather she threatens him as she sys â€Å"nobody’d listen to you†which threatens him as she says that even if she did something nobody would trust a old man or a â€Å"Nigger†Lennie is also present in the room while this conversation is going on however he does not say anything as previously in the book George told him to stay away from her but Lennie does say â€Å"I wish George was here†this states that he feels insecure and troubled with her around her and wants George there for advice and protection which reinstates his innocence towards anyone however candy does comfort him as he says â€Å"don’t you worry none†which suggests that Candy cares and wants to look after Lennie as he is his new business partner in their true American dream towards buying their own ranch, however this shows how curleys wife scares Lennie as he was told to stay away he finds her scary and as he wants to â€Å"tend the rabbits†doesn’t want to get in trouble. To conclude the relationship between curleys wife and crooks and candy is, Crooks and candy stand up to her as they hate and disrespect her so much for being disloyal however as crooks is a nigger and candy is an old man they find out they have no poor to the ranch boss’s son’s wife so they understand there is nothing to do about her so they just silently hate her and don’t say anything as they know they have no authority over her, so for the safety of their life and job they do nothing. How to cite Explore the Relationship Shown Towards Curley’s Wife by Crooks and Candy, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Pain and Nociception Neurophysical Underpinning
Question: Discuss about the Pain and Nociceptionfor Neurophysical Underpinning. Answer: The Neurophysiological Underpinning to Distinguish Between Pain and Nociception in Vertebrates Signaling of threats and tissue injury occurrence is the most vital function of the central nervous system. This feature is performed by afferents (nociceptors) which are specialized, and they are responsive to noxious and injury stimuli. However, there is need to elude the differences between nociception and pain since they have always been underpinned on the anatomy associated with the central nervous system as well as that of peripheral. Also, it is important to consider the roles that nociceptors play in pain perception. Nociception is said to be the processing of information by the peripheral and the central nervous system (commonly referred to as CNS).This information is related to inner or outer body environment. Nociceptors have the ability to give a response to noxious stimuli, including cold, heat, mechanical, and chemical mediators. Because nociceptors are capable of responding to stimuli of heterogeneous nature, they are primarily denoted to as polymodal receptors. However, not all of the nociceptors respond to every noxious stimulus. The detectors of noxious stimuli are nerve endings which are found all over the body, and their origin is from PSNs. PSNs are the first element in the polyneuronal chain that leads to pain perception. Noxious stimuli activate the nociceptors and send information to the trigeminal homologue or spinal cord dorsal horn (Ferrini, Russo, Salio, 2014). The information is then forwarded to the stem of the brain and to the cerebral cortex where pain perception occurs (Rouwette et al., 2012). There are two types of nociceptive pain such as somatic pain that can be traced easily within the body and originates from the skin surface as well as deeper tissues including muscles and joints. The second type is visceral pain that is not well localized and originates from organs that are inside the body. On the other hand, pain can be described as an unpleasant sensation of the nervous system which is triggered by noxious stimuli applied to the body which may include squeezing, high heat intensity, rotating a joint or even skin fold. These provide the body with actual or potential damage. Consequently, this gives a quick alerting signal to the nervous system for the creation of a motor response that will reduce anything related to physical harm (Magee, Elwood, 2013). Although it is always rare to experience congenital insensitivity, people with the condition can go through great health problems including auto-amputation, corneal scarring, and self-mutilation. As such, it is practically essential to discuss the origin as well as the source of the word pain, which came from a Greek word poine that stands for a penalty. Usually, pain accompanies nociception. There are three pain experiences, and the first one is sensory, and it is experienced when discriminative system enhances the pro cessing of information concerning the strength, quality, temporal, intensity, and the three-dimensional facets of pain. Naturally, the second experience is known to be motivational since the system is effective and defines the individuals behaviors. Subsequently, the third experience is cognitive in nature as the system evaluates whether the people understood the response concerning the pain experience (Cheng Flamenbaum, 2016). Evidently, three types of pain can be derived according to their pathogenesis. The first one is acute physiological nociceptive pain which is produced especially the minute a sharp noxious stimulus is physiologically pricked to healthy vertebrate tissue (Messlinger Handwerker, 2015). This elicits withdrawal hence preventing the tissue from further damage. Next is pathophysiological nociceptive pain which is felt when there is an inflammation or damage to the tissue (Zhang et al., 2012). It may appear spontaneously without stimulation, or as allodynia- pain stimulation below pain threshold, or as hyperalgesia- extreme noxious stimulated pain. The third type is neuropathic pain which occurs after an injury or a disease to CNS or the peripheral. Mainly, it may often give abnormal feeling because of lack of a given signal to noxious tissue. In essence, persistent and short timed sensation of burning or even electrical is often elicited (Xia, Mrch, Andersen, 2016). Any of the followings can cause neuropathic pain, which are metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, axotomy, plexus damage, and herpes rapturing. In case the central neurons are damaged, a pain that can occur is referred to as central neuropathic pain (Zhang et al., 2012). When a patient has pain for more than six months, it is described to be "chronic" and may be as a result of chronic diseases or continuous nociceptive process. In assumption, different tissue nociceptors share much of their general characteristics. However, there is evidence to prove precisely that the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons that supply fibre to various body tissues are different by how they pass electrophysiological properties. There are also many A and C fibers presents and acts as specified nociceptors that detect potential damaging stimuli. A part of A and C fibers consists of cold and warmth sensory nerves that record innocuous cold and warm stimuli and not noxious cold and heat. These fibers are also present in the joints, skin and the visceral nerves and are referred to as mechano- insensitive nociceptors which are alerted during inflammation and give a response to mechanical and also to thermal stimuli (Djouhri, 2016). A typical sensory nerve fiber generates their action potentials in the sensory endings when the receptive field is stimulated. Often, damaged nerve fibers produce pathological discharges that are fundamentally generated at the surface where the nerve is damaged or within the body cell at DRG (Djouhri, 2016). Ectopic discharges are released in thick myelinated A fibers, A, and C fibers, and hence when a nerve injury occurs, these two are involved in pain generation. While viewing the ontogeny of pain, it is always crucial to note in a considerate way that there are possibilities of pinpointing the smaller groups of sensory neurons. These include nociceptors in early stages before they proceed to cause an impact to central and peripheral systems. Neurogenesis as well as the synaptogenesis of these neurons is biologically produced in two waves. Giving the example of a rat, the development of what is scientifically known as myelinated A fibers originating from the neuraxis occur before development of unmyelinated C-fibers (Djouhri, 2016). Neonates of many species show exaggeration in reflex responses to a stimulus that are noxious mediated spinally, as compared to the adult vertebrates. In vertebrates and some invertebrates, there is a common framework of sensory transmission for varying senses. Their neural cells have functional parts where the receptor molecule of the sensors detects the stimuli, and hence the receptor molecule undergoes a conformal change that brings about transduction process (Pogorzala, Mishra, Hoon, 2013). This triggers the receptor cell membrane potential to change, which is referred to as the receptor potential. Under normal circumstances, sensory neuron- site of sensory transduction is always overly far from the synaptic terminal, and as a result, receptor potential should be transformed to a chain of the action potential that carries the pain through axon to the synapse. Being one of the stimuli, hypersensitivity is an increased response to painful stimuli occurring in the following manner where tissues have been damaged due to a significant noxious stimulus. This leads to excessive sensitivity to pain. It is evidenced that primary and secondary hypersensitivity can be present in the body tissues. In contrast, the primary can be described as high sensitivity around the area an injury has occurred and is due to sensitization of the periphery nociceptors, whereas secondary occurs in the surroundings of the injured part and is due to central nociceptors sensitization (Hsieh et al., 2012). An excellent example is an inflammation caused by a sore throat which can be intense such that the swallowing exercise becomes a major problem due to pain. Pain hypersensitivity can last long after the disappearance of the primary cause, and this is now a disease and not a symptom anymore when it reaches that stage. According to pain scientists, two pain aspects are us ually derived as an adaptation of injured tissue for their protection during healing period (Mettam, McCrohan, Sneddon, 2012). These are allodynia that is often said to be a pain as a result of actual innocuous stimuli and hyperalgesia which is response triggered by normally painful stimuli. Fig 1: Shows nociceptive stimulus-response characteristics where hyperalgesia is shown by the high response to noxious stimuli without a change in nociceptors threshold while Allodynia is shown by nociceptors threshold to give a response (Mettam, McCrohan, Sneddon, 2012). It is imperative for one to bear in mind that not all of the nociceptors bring about sensitization. Another group of sensory receptors may desensitize when after exposure to great stimuli compared to nociceptors which sensitize on exposure to high noxious stimuli. Desensitization may occur when the photoreceptors in the eyes of humans are in exposure to bright light and later face a room which is not well lit, where one feels blind and as time goes by one can see what was not visible before inside the chamber. This is described to be a light adaptation. In conclusion, on exposure to noxious stimuli, an animals brain perceives the pain experience leading to discomfort in or outside the body. Pain caused by the accidental hitting of individuals elbow or head can be minimized by rubbing the area to assist in providing some relief. Studies on animals bearing transections of the neuraxis show those compound responses to stimuli can undergo elicitation in the absence of pain. Behavior index and extrapolation in human and other vertebrates are the current measures of pain. After nerve injury, innocuous stimuli may be a source of pain while repeated noxious stimuli exposure leads to hypersensitivity and create responses to this stimulus which are noxious and innocuous. The neural system may suffer a long-term damage caused by an injury and hence interference with the processing of nociceptive information. Also, physiological factors may encourage the onset of the pain felt during and up to when an injury to the tissue occurs. Finally, pain as opposed to nociception is not purely the acknowledgement of the setting, existence, and scale of nociceptive input. Instead, it is multifaceted event with a significant emotional as well as touching component. References Cheng, M.K. and Flamenbaum, R., 2016. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Formulation With Chronic Pain. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 30(1), pp.3-15. Djouhri, L., 2016. A-fiber low threshold mechanoreceptors innervating mammalian hairy skin: A review of their receptive, electrophysiological and cytochemical properties in relation to A-fiber high threshold mechanoreceptors. Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews, 61, pp.225-238. Ferrini, F., Russo, A. and Salio, C., 2014. Fos and pERK immunoreactivity in spinal cord slices: comparative analysis of in vitro models for testing putative antinociceptive molecules. Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 196(4), pp.217-223. Hsieh, Y.L., Chiang, H., Lue, J.H. and Hsieh, S.T., 2012. P2X3-mediated peripheral sensitization of neuropathic pain in resiniferatoxin-induced neuropathy. Experimental neurology, 235(1), pp.316-325. 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